Larissa: ‘Workshop on Innovations in Cereal Crop Fertilization’, at the facilities of the THESGI Cooperative

An informative one-day event on the topic of ‘Innovation in Cereal Crop Fertilization. The case of targeted fertilization of maize crops using variable nitrogen application technology’ will be held in Larissa at 18:00 on Monday, 14 October 2024, at the facilities of the THESGI Cooperative Farmers of Thessaly, at the 3rd km of the Larissa-Volos National Road.
Producers interested in developments in the Common Agricultural Policy, as well as new solutions in cereal crop fertilization, can attend the workshop. They will also have the opportunity for a briefing on Measure 16 ‘Cooperation’ and the transition to the new interventions of the CAP Strategic Plan 2023-2027 by representatives of GAIA EPICHEIREIN, a service provider in the primary sector.
Additionally, Dr. Stamatis Stamatiadis from the Goulandris Natural History Museum and Dr. Eleftherios Evangelou from the Institute of Industrial and Forage Crops of ELGO Dimitra will present new approaches to and technologies for maize fertilization, with a focus on site-specific fertilization using high spatial resolution nitrogen application technology.
This event is being held within the framework of the approved pilot project of the ‘KAL.LI.S.TI.’ Operational Team.
The project is being implemented under Measure 16 ‘Cooperation’ of the Rural Development Programme of Greece 2014-2022.
Members of the ‘KAL.LI.S.TI.’ Operational Team include the Goulandris Natural History Museum (Project Coordinator), the Institute of Industrial and Forage Crops of ELGO Dimitra, the THESGI Cooperative Farmers of Thessaly, GAIA EPICHEIREIN, and PRO DEPOT.
The main goal of the team’s pilot project is to improve nitrogen use efficiency through an integrated system of variable nitrogen application. The project proposes environmentally friendly methods to Greek producers, which will increase the production and nutritional value of Greek products.
18:00-18:10 Arrival – Registration
18:10-18:20 Greetings – THESGI Cooperative Farmers of Thessaly
18:20-18:40 The Common Agricultural Policy for Innovation – The New CAP Strategic Plan Interventions 2023-2027
Nikos Papakonstantinou, Officer of the Directorate of Rural Development and Project Management
18:40-18:50 Measure 16 “Cooperation” of the Rural Development Programme of Greece 2014-2022.
Maria Korre, Officer of the Directorate of Rural Development and Project Management
18:50-19:00 Break
19:00-19:20 Transition from Conventional Fertilization to Variable Fertilization Supply
Dr. Eleftherios Evangelou, researcher at the Institute of Industrial and Forage Crops of the ‘Dimitra’ Hellenic Agricultural Organisation (EL.G.O. ‘Dimitra’)
19:20-19:40 Application of Liquid Fertilization with Variable Rate in Maize
Dr. Stamatis Stamatiadis, Director of the Soil Ecology Laboratory, Gaia Center, Goulandris Natural History Museum
19:40-20:10 Discussion