The advantages of variable nitrogen supply to maize and the role of GAIA EPICHEIREIN in the KAL.LI.S.TI Operational Team’s project

An informative one-day event on the topic of ‘Innovation in Cereal Crop Fertilization. The case of targeted fertilization of maize crops using variable nitrogen application technology’ will be held in Larissa at 18:00 on Monday, 14 October 2024, at the…
Site-specific fertilisation was successfully repeated in May 2024. While applying the experimental design of 2023, each treatment had three randomised repetitions in strips that were 6 meters wide and 80 meters long each. The performance of site-specific fertilisation for two…
The results of the first year indicated that, compared to the uniform fertilisation by producers, the variable nitrogen supply reduced the surface application of nitrogen fertiliser by 35%, without losses in corn yield. Total fertilisation (basic + surface) decreased by…
the site-specific fertilisation application team during a break During the first year of the project, variable nitrogen fertilisation of three maize crops in the area of Omorfochori, Larissa, was successfully implemented on 23-24 May 2023. To benchmark the variable supply,…
The integrated variable nitrogen supply system is a project funded by Sub-measure 16.1-16.5 of Measure 16 ‘COOPERATION’ The purpose of Measure 16 is cooperation. The goal of Sub-measure 16.1-16.5, in which we are participating, is to enhance environmental protection and…